Sth Cant 8-ball Asc
The South Canterbury 8 Ball Association is a group that’s focused on organizing inter-club pool competitions in the area – from North Otago to Mid Canterbury. Organizations that are affiliated with Clubs New Zealand are also welcome to join the competitions.
There are currently 7 different clubs that participate in these organized events:
- Ashburton Club & MSA
- Geraldine Town and Country Club
- Temuka RSA
- Timaru Town and Country Club
- South Canterbury RSA
- Timaru South Cosmopolitan Club
- The Oamaru Club
The organization aims to develop and promote the 8 ball game by utilizing the rules of play implemented by the Clubs New Zealand and 8 Ball Association Inc. Our missions is to get involve in supporting and coaching the potential players in the area. We want to actively support tournaments and educate players about the rules through a series of trainings. We currently run regular interclub competitions that happen every Wednesday nights from March to October and we also host South Canterbury Championships for men, women and pair divisions.
For More Information Please Contact:
President SC Pool Asc - Simon Williams
Secretary SC Pool Assn - Debbie Williams
Website Manager - Vince Gardner
They will be able to direct you to a club nearest you and inform you of what is available.