If you would like to be a member of the Timaru Town and Country Club & the Highfield Golf Club, you’re invited to join online right now.

It’s simple, Click on the New Membership button, complete the online application form, include a photo of yourself from your computer, when prompted, you’ll be directed to a secure payment system, Paypal, and your membership card, complete with photo, already linked to our Clubs Loyalty Program, will arrive in your mail box within a few days, ready for you to use.

Under our rules, each application requires a nominator and a seconder that are both financial members of the club. This membership invitation has already been set up with a nominator, The Clubs General Manager, and seconder, the Clubs President. Of course our Club rules mean you are only a temporary member until acceptance of the committee is granted, usually takes about a month, if in the extremely unlikely event your membership is not accepted, you will be contacted immediately and a full refund is paid upon the return of the membership card.



To renew your membership, inclusive of all adjunct or section membership, you may also do it online. Simple, just click the Renew membership button below, complete the form as prompted and please enter the amount of your payment, it’s not automatic, this is located on your membership invoice or if unsure, please ring the Club’s Office. Click the submit button when you’ve completed the form and you’ll be directed to the secure online payment system, paypal. Your new membership card will be sent to you, within a few days, in the post.