Timaru Town & Country Club

Timaru Town & Country Club is the perfect place to catch up with friends and family, and make new friends! – 03 688 0025.


Timaru Town & Country Club

The Timaru Town and Country Club was originally formed on the 3rd July 1957.

In the beginning the Club held it’s monthly meetings within the Caroline Bay Tearooms, membership grew rapidly and the Club was forced to move to the Caroline Bay Hall, until a lease of a Stafford street property was obtained in 1959.

During November 1960 the Timaru District Council offered the Club an area of Land in Douglas Street for £2,750.00.
That same land was then purchased by the Club during September 1961, £10.00 debentures were sought, raising £33,000 eventually over subscribed, a new club charter was sought and a building constructed.

The newly completed Men’s Only Club, opened on the 25th August 1962. Due to popularity and the Liquor Licensing regulations of the day, membership had to be closed at 1050 members. Women were warmly accepted as Members in 1978 and Junior Members, any age person up to legal drinking age, in 1993.

Today the Club has around 3000 members, some of our many assets include three Bars, 3 Function Areas, Separate Air Conditioned Gaming Room with 18 Gaming Machines, 3 registered Kitchens, 2 Petanque Rinks, an Outdoor Bowling Green, Pool, Darts and an adjacant 18 hole, Highfield Golf Course.


We get great feedback on our restaurant, the location, the delicious meals, the friendly staff and the excellent prices.


23 Sporting and Special Interest Adjuncts or Sub Sections,
like sub Clubs of our main Club.


We have regular live entertainment throughout the year, and a range of activities and events. Check back regularly.

Contact us

Timaru Town & Country Club is the perfect place to catch up with friends and family, and make new friends! – 03 688 0025.

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